I'm Sameer Sharma and welcome to my site.

My experience as a martial artist, yogi, and athlete has made me not only a more effective businessman, but also a better person in other areas of my life. From the first day I stepped foot in the Aikido dojo or on my yoga mat to now, I have witnessed a profound change in myself. Over 20 years, the fearful, self-doubting, stressed-out, defensive, and egotistical me was kicked, punched, thrown, stretched, and bent into a more fearless, confident, calm, centered, and empowered person. Have I arrived? Am I a self-actualized being with no more fear, worry, doubt, and anger? Absolutely not! Like you, I face these challenges every day. But my training and experience has shown me a better way to face these challenges and achieve my goals. 

In the Beginning

When I began my training as a martial artist, and yogi, I pursued these disciplines for their own sake. Childhood memories of being bullied compelled me to learn self defense. I began yoga just to heal a chronic back injury. Tai Chi came into my life when I was dissatisfied with just the physical aspects of marital arts and wanted to deepen my understanding at an energetic level. Ironically, as my skills and understanding in these arts improved, so did the other areas of my life.

My practice informed my personal and professional lives. I no longer trained just for self-defense or to be able to touch my toes. Training had become a metaphor for life.

My Path of Self-Mastery

The principles I learned were not only relevant to physical techniques, but also to the challenges I faced every day. My ability to throw someone twice my size or still my mind during meditation proved to be invaluable skills when facing business and personal challenges.

People and events that before triggered feelings of fear, anger and stress now became another opportunity to practice principles such as awareness, centeredness, non-resistance, alignment, and letting go. Someone who attacked me on the mat was no different than someone who threatened to sue me, or an unreliable contractor who increased the time and expense of a property I was renovating. People who before would get under my skin I know see as my teachers who bear lessons I have yet to learn.The events and people were the same, but I had changed. I was able to choose a better response to the same challenges rather than react to them with fear or anger. The only thing I can attribute to this change is my training. Aikido, Tai Chi and Yoga became my tools for self-mastery. 

My journey of self-mastery has brought me to this point where I want share my insights and experiences with you.  Through this site, I aim to distill my experiences into practical, thought-provoking content that will provide you with the same benefits that I have found. Through my service as a coach, I aim to help you discover and progress along your own path of self-mastery. I invite you to join me and discover the gifts that this path has to offer.

To Your Success,

Sameer Sharma

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
— Lao-tzu

Rap Sheet

  • Performance & Mindset Coach

  • Entrepreneur

  • Fine Artist

  • Martial Artist

  • Athlete

  • Yogi

  • B.A. from Vassar College

  • M.B.A. from American University

  • 3rd Degree Black Belt (sandan) in Aikido

  • Gold and silver medalist at the 2012 International Chinese Martial Arts Championship in Tai Chi

  • Certified Yoga Instructor

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM CPT)

  • Mobility|WOD Certified Movement and Mobility Specialist from the Starrett System

  • Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)- Certified Mobility Specialist